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Welcome to Trials & Triumphs:

A History of the African American Experience in Harford County, a travelling exhibition offering a rich tapestry of African American voices and experiences —both painful and proud--woven into the fabric of our collective Harford Heritage.

Visit the exhibit that spans centuries at one of its six stops as it travels around Harford County to explore documents, textiles, and objects, many of them donated by members of the community just for this exhibit.


Read a letter by enslaved Annie Davis written to President Lincoln, march with Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton across a field of battle, ride with Sonny Thornton in a daring horse race, and sing along with Nella Dodds to a classic pop hit.


Then join us here to share your own stories and photos in these virtual galleries. By sending us your memories and memorabilia, you help us to continue to trace, tell and celebrate this history together.

Experience Local History


This exhibit will travel around Harford County through July 2025. Click the link below to see where Trials & Triumphs will be next!

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The Trials & Triumphs Exhibition outlines multiple categories of African American history and culture in Harford County, Maryland like Arts & Culture, Education, and Sports. Browse photos, documents, and video content that has been collected to preservce this history  and donated to this project. 


Visit our media gallery to view photos, videos, documents, and more relating to the history of the African American experience in Harford County, Maryland.

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“So much of our history is lost, and we are trying to piece it together, and we are making mistakes because we don’t know. We are assuming that this is what happened. But I think it’s very good that we know our history--the history of everyone-- because we are one. We are all the same, except we have differences in culture, in color and so forth, but basically, we’re one.” 

Shirley Louise Johnson Rose


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